Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association 5th Annual Crab Basket Tree Events at the Kent Narrows Waterfront
Thanks to all who attended the Tree Lighting and Vendor Fair. ​
Click on the pdf icon for a copy of the program which was held on December 7th.​​​​​​​​​​​
The trees will be up until the first week in January.
Interesting Facts:
About 300 Baskets were used to construct three trees and display in 2024.
202 baskets were used to make the first tree that was erected in Kent Narrows in 2020. That year QAC Watermen's Association thought it wa important to create an event that would provide for a safe outdoor holiday gathering space so people could still celebrate the holiday even through the pandemic.
Because there was so much interest in the project two trees were built in 2021 and an outdoor Arts and crafts fair was added.
In 2022 the event had grown and three trees were built.
The arts and crafts fair the day of the tree lighting has grown each year and more community organizations are involved.
The event was moved to be closer to the Maryland Watermen's Monument, but it is still located in the Fisherman's Village Complex and visible form the Kent Narrows Bridges and Rt. 18.
Thank You to the 2024
Tree Builders
Charles Thomas
Troy Wilkins
Joe Sadler
Billy Benton
Jimmy Thompson
Bubba Collison
Luke Houghton
Denny Coursey
Dickie Coursey
Phil Dumenil
John Coursey
Charlie Palmer
Brooke Horney
Christy Wilkins
Beverly Benton
Karen Sadler
Gigi Windley
Lisa Vallandingham
Ian Horney

For more information on the tree and the associated events visit Queen Anne's County Watermen on Facebook or email qawatermen@yahoo.com.
For up-to-date visitor info in including info on hotels and restaurants within walking distance of the trees, visit Kent Narrows Waterfront on Facebook or stay on this website: Kentnarrowsmd.com. For info on Queen Anne's County attractions and events go to visitqueenannes.com.
The trees will be up until the end of January 2025. So please visit throughout the holiday season.

Every basket has a story of remembrance, honor, celebration, history or holiday spirit.
Each year the Watermen’s Association honor those watermen, past and active, and those who have passed away this year with baskets painted with a red heart for each of them.
2024 Memorial Baskets in remembrance of:
Ed Grimes
Jimmy Melvin
Maurice Dashell,Sr.
Buddy Anderson
Eddie Clough
Lynn Baxter
Bluey Thomas
2023 Memorial Baskets in remembrance of:
Larry Hansel
Darnell Lynch
Toddy Denny
Pat Harris
BoBo Hall
Dave Horney
2022 Memorial Baskets in remembrance of:
Sonny Hampton
Billy Darrell
Billy White
Charles Butch Lewis
Guy Edwards
Bill Joyce
2021 Memorial Baskets in remembrance of:
Carlton Austin
Snapper Thomas
Ken Phillips
Pat Lee
Warren Butler
Randy Timms
Arthur Jones
Rudolph "Bootie" Green
2020 Memorial Baskets were remembrance of:
Eddie Hoxter
Norma Jean Ringgold
Brother Collier
Jimmy Timms
Don Tryan
Bobby Timms
Bobby Adron
Stephen Ruth
Ronnie Golt
Baskets are painted by local citizens, both adults and children.
Proceeds from the project go to help local watermen and families in need.