Media Advisory
For Immediate Release:
December 3, 2020
Grasonville Md. at Kent Narrows
The Crab Basket Holiday Tree at Fisherman's Inn will light up on Saturday, December 5
The Basket Tree that was constructed by the Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association and community members will light up the Kent Narrows Waterfront on December 5, 2020. This year’s event will be broadcast live through Queen Anne’s County TV ( and streamed live through the Queen Anne County Watermen’s Association’s Facebook page.
The live broadcast will begin at 4:45 and the Opening Ceremony will begin at 5:00 p.m. and last until about 5:30 p.m.
The Opening Ceremony will include remarks from representatives of the Queen Anne’s County Watermen’s Association, a reading of the names of those watermen and waterwomen who have passed in 2020, a blessing of the fleet and a sign off by a special visitor.
Every basket has a story of remembrance, honor, celebration, history or holiday spirit. The Watermen’s Association honored those watermen, past and active, who passed away this year with 12 baskets painted with a red heart for each of them. There is a basket in honor of Capt. Warren Butler, the oldest, active watermen in Queen Anne’s County at the age of 91. There are baskets that represent the county’s history including the iconic white work boots, local families, historic family businesses, workboats, lighthouses, snowmen, waterfowl, crabs, fish, scenes from the Grinch and Charlie Brown and so much more.
The tree will remain up until the first week in January and be lit from dusk to dawn. The public is invited to visit the tree throughout the Holiday Season. Local shops, hotels, restaurants and walking and cycling trails are within walking distance.
The tree is located on the corner of Wells Cove Road and Rt. 18 on Fishermen's Inn Property at 3116 Main Street, Grasonville, Md.
Due to COVID a large scale event is not planned for this year, but a larger event is in the planning stages for next year.
Visitors are advised to practice social distancing and mask wearing guidelines when visiting the tree.
Media Contacts:
Troy and Christy Wilkins, Queen Anne’s County Watermen’s Association
Gigi Windley, Kent Narrows Foundation
For more information and updates on the tree visitors can visit the Queen Anne’s Watermen Facebook Page or go to or Kent Narrows Waterfront Facebook page. Those who wish to receive more info on Queen Anne’s County may go to
The Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association benefits from the baskets sold on this tree. The Watermen’s Association consists of local commercial watermen who make their living harvesting seafood from local waterways. The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are our office. Not only do the watermen work the waters, they also work to restore and maintain a sustainable industry. The monies raised from this event and others allow the association to continue to fight to preserve their heritage and way of life.

For Immediate Release:
November 30, 2020
Grasonville Md. at Kent Narrows
The Crab Basket Holiday Tree is Up at Fisherman's Inn
The Basket Tree was constructed by the Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association, its members and community members. It is located on the corner of Wells Cove Road and Rt. 18 on the Fishermen's Inn Property.
This was truly a community event. Individuals, families, businesses and organizations purchased and painted each basket in a nautical or holiday theme. 202 baskets were used to create the tree. Every basket has a story of remembrance, honor, celebration, history or holiday spirit. The Watermen’s Association honored those watermen, past and active, who passed away this year with 12 baskets painted with a red heart for each of them. There is a basket in honor of Capt. Warren Butler, the oldest, active watermen in Queen Anne’s County at the age of 91. There are baskets with workboats, lighthouses, snowmen, waterfowl, crabs, fish, scenes from the Grinch and Charlie Brown and so much more.
The tree will be officially light up on Saturday, December 5th around dusk. Stay tuned for details! The tree will remain up until the first week in January.
Queen Anne's County TV will cover the tree lighting. Those who wish to participate are encouraged to view the lighting on QACTV.
Due to COVID a large scale event is not planned for this year, but a larger event is in the works for next year.
Please practice social distancing when visiting the tree.
The Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association benefits from the baskets sold on this tree. The Watermen’s Association consists of local commercial watermen who make their living harvesting seafood from local waterways. The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries are our office. Not only do the watermen work the waters, they also work to restore and maintain a sustainable industry. The monies raised from this event and others allow the association to continue to fight to preserve their heritage and way of life.
The basket tree was organized and implemented by Brooke Horney, Christy Wilkins and Joey & Karen Sadler. Assistance was provided by Gigi Windley, Kent Narrows Foundation and Heather Tinelli, Queen Anne's County Economic Development and Tourism.
A special thank you goes to Rock Hall and to Beth Councell, Ziggy Carter and Sheila Lingerman who gave early advice on the project.
The Queen Anne's County Chamber helped with information distribution.
Other individuals and businesses that made this project possible include:
Bay Tree Service
Delmarva Fisheries Association, Inc.
Delmarva Power
John and Jean Duty
Fisherman's Inn
Fishergate Graphic Design
Harrison Yacht Sales' Inc.
TJ and Sherri Hunter
Kentmorr Marina
Kentmorr Restaurant and Crab House
Kent Narrows Foundation
Queen Anne's County Tourism & Economic Development
Queenstown Bank
Ruth Brothers Septic
Shore Lumber and Millwork
Shore Sign Company
Shore United Bank
Talbot Watermen's Association
VFW Post 7464
Tree Builders and Helpers
Dennis Anthony
Billy Benton, QACWA Vice President
Beverly Benton
John Coursey
Missy Coursey
Phil Dumenil, QAC Commissioner
Brooke Horney
Joey Horney
Michael Ruth, QACWA Treasurer
Joey Sadler
Karen Sadler
James Thomas
George Thomas, Jr
Charles Thomas
Christy Wilkins
Troy Wilkins, QACWA President
Gigi Windley

Media Advisory
For Immediate Release:
Grasonville, Md. at Kent Narrows Waterfront
Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association Holiday Basket Tree Built at Kent Narrows
Members and Friends of the Queen Anne’s County Watermen’s Association joined together on Saturday, December 29, 2020 to construct the first-ever Crab Basket Tree in Queen Anne’s County.
The tree is located at the corner of Wells Cove Road and Rt. 18 on the Fisherman’s Inn property at 3116 Main Street in Grasonville.
Visitors and friends are welcome to visit the tree prior to the lighting as long as there is no active construction happening to prepare for the lighting event.
The tree lighting will occur around dusk on Saturday December 5th. A small ceremony is being planned by the Watermen’s Association Members that evening. Queen Anne's County TV will cover the lighting. Those interested are encouraged to watch the lighting on Queen Anne's County TV or through QAV TV's live Facebook stream.
Due to COVID a large scale event is not planned for this year, but a larger event is in the planning stages for next year.
The tree will remain up for visitors and residents to enjoy until the first week in January.
Those who visit the tree are encouraged to practice social distancing and mask wearing.
Media Contact:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association
Christy Wilkins
Facebook: Queen Anne's County Watermen's Association
For Immediate Release:
November 3, 2020
Watermen Bring Holiday Basket Tree to Kent Narrows
Kent Narrows, MD
Leave it to the Queen Anne’s County Watermen’s Association to capture the spirit of the Holiday Season!
People and groups are invited to purchase and paint a basket for the Holiday Basket Tree that will be erected at the corner of Wells Cove Road and Rt. 18 in Grasonville on the Fisherman’s Inn property.
The tree is scheduled light up on the evening of December 5th and remain in place through the first week in January. A virtual tree lighting ceremony will be aired on QAC TV and live streamed on Facebook on December 5.
Visitors and residents may take their photos with the tree throughout the holiday season.
Each basket purchased will raise money for local watermen. Baskets are on sale now and cost $50.00 if you want to paint it yourself, or $65 if you want someone to paint it for you. Baskets should be in memory or in honor of a loved one and have either a nautical or holiday them.
Baskets are on sale now and can be purchased through November 7.
They may be picked up at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center at 425 Piney Narrows Road from 10a.m. to 4:30 pm on weekdays, or at the VFW in Grasonville, on November 7, between 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
November 7 is the last day for pick up. Painted baskets must be returned no later than November 21.
To receive an information packet on how to obtain and paint your basket, email .You may also stop by the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center to pick up baskets and registration forms.
For additional questions, contact Karen Sadler at 443-262-6208 or Joey Sadler at 443-924-0151.
For Immediate Release
March 16, 2020
Updated April 6, 2020
Eateries in Kent Narrows Reinvent
Themselves to offer Carry Out, Delivery and "Take and Bake" Menus
In order to serve local populations and essential workers, Annie's Paramount Steak and Seafood House, Harris Crab House, The Narrows Restaurant and The Jetty are offering limited menus and taking carry-out orders. The Jetty is offering delivery service to nearby neighborhoods. A selection of soups and crab cakes can be mail ordered and shipped to anywhere in the U.S.
All restaurants are easily accessible from Rt.301/50. Take exit 41 or 42 to access all dining facilities.
In these uncertain times, it's helpful to support your local small businesses. When you support the restaurants at Kent Narrows you also help to keep our local watermen and farmers employed.
Daily, holiday and weekend specials are posted on the Facebook@kentnarrowswaterfront.
Media Contact:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
Current Hours of Operation For Kent Narrows Eateries
current as of 4/6/20.
Annie's Paramount Stake and Seafood House
Offering take out meals for four along with items from their regular menu.
Carry-out from 11-7
call 410-827-7103
Harris Crab House
Order on line at toast or call 410-827-9500
11:00 am--7:30 pm
The Jetty
Offering carry-out Items
New specials every day
410-877-4959 press 0 to avoid the voicemail prompts
11:00 am-8pm
The Narrows Restaurant
Offering carry-out, 25% off Wine, and mail orders specials through
Open from 12-7pm daily
Garden Bar and Grille at the
Hilton Garden Inn is offering take out breakfast from
7 10 a.m.
Visit for links to all restaurants in Kent Narrows and for a list of restaurants offering take-out in Downtown Centerville and Kent Narrows.
For Immediate Release
March 20, 2020
In order to responsibly address the continuing health concerns over the spread of COVID-19, the Kent Narrows Development Foundation has instituted a plan to reduce the risk of exposure for our staff and others.
The Foundation’s office located at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitor Center has temporarily closed. Inquiries are still being answered and Foundation operations are being managed remotely.
As a part of our greater Kent Narrows and Eastern Shore community, we feel great responsibility toward the health and welfare of our friends, neighbors and visitors.
The KNDF will continue to monitor local, state and federal health advisories and quickly follow any guidance they suggest.
Please direct inquiries to
For updates and visitor information visit our website at
Media Contact:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
Chester, Md.— June 14, 2019
What’s Up Media recently released its list of the Best Food and Dining Places on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Six of the award-winning restaurants are located on the scenic waterfront at Kent Narrows in Grasonville.
In January and February of this year, the popular magazine, What’s Up? Eastern Shore called for readers to write-in recommendations for many food and dining categories. The results were recently announced last week. The comprehensive list is published in the June issue of What’s Up? Eastern Shore.
An awards ceremony will be held on the evening of June 19th at Prospect Bay Country Club also in Grasonville.
The “Best Of” winners from the Kent Narrows Waterfront are:
Annie’s Paramount Steak and Seafood House
Best Brunch
Bridges Restaurant
Best American Dining Waterfront Restaurant
Harris Crab House and Seafood Restaurant
Best Steamed Crabs
The Narrows Restaurant won in two categories
Best Crab Cake
Best Special Occasion Restaurant
Fisherman’s Crab Deck also took awards in two categories
Best Cream of Crab Soup
Best Appetizers
Fisherman’s Inn took the most awards, winning in three categories
Best Maryland Crab Soup
Best Seafood
Best Place to Take Out of Towners
Tickets for the Best of Eastern Shore Party can be reserved through
More information about hotels, restaurants, dining and things to do in the Kent Narrows waterfront region, visit
Media Contact:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
September 1, 2017
Chester, Md.— September 1, 2017
The Kent Narrows Development Foundation has published a new brochure and map that highlights heritage sites throughout the Kent Narrows Waterfront Region. The Watermen’s Heritage Trail map and visitors guide marks key sites throughout the Kent Narrows Waterfront area that have historic significance. The map shows attractions such as the Watermen’s Monument, the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center and Ferry Point Park. It also makes note of the locations of the interpretative signs which line the many trails that connect the various heritage sites along the scenic Waterfront.
The colorful map reminds visitors that Kent Narrows is a walkable community, one that is crisscrossed by water, land and boardwalk trails.
The brochure will be distributed through the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center, the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, the Queen Anne’s County Chamber of Commerce, and at selected businesses, attractions and visitor information centers throughout the State.
The project was partially funded through the Eastern Shore Heritage, Inc. as part of a grant from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.
Those who wish to receive copies of the Watermen’s Heritage Trail Map and Guide may stop in the Kent Narrows Development Foundation located at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center at 425 Piney Narrows Rd. or email
Media Contacts:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
October 8, 2016
Chester, Md.-- (October 8, 2016):
Residents and visitors to the Kent Narrows area will have the opportunity to meet photographer Jay Fleming as his exhibit opens at the Chesapeake Heritage and Visitors Center on October 27th. The Kent Narrows Foundation is hosting a book signing and reception from 5-9pm on Thursday, October 27, 2016. The public is invited.
Jay Fleming’s first book, “Working the Water,” is a visual narrative of the lives of those individuals whose livelihood is directly dependent upon the Chesapeake Bay — America’s largest estuary.
The book comprises photographs of seasoned watermen, scenic seascapes, weathered workboats and bay bounty — a true and complete depiction of Chesapeake Bay life. Jay’s flagship book, “Working the Water" includes several images of scenes and watermen from the Kent Narrows area.
The exhibit features select photos from the book displayed in large format. It will be on display Monday-Friday from 8:30pm-4:30 pm and from 10pm-4pm on weekends until November 10, 2016.
Local business and organization have come together to sponsor the book signing and to raise funds for Foundation activities. They include: Bridges Restaurant, Fisherman’s Inn, the Crab Deck, Harris Seafood, Harris Crab House, the Holiday Inn, the Jetty Dock Bar and Grill, the Narrows Restaurant, and the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center. The venue is provided courtesy of Queen Anne's County.
A portion of the proceeds from the book sales go to support the Kent Narrows Development Foundation. The Foundation provides guidance and oversight for the formulation of a strategy to balance new economic growth, community redevelopment, support for the County’s fishing and seafood industries, and public access to waterfront activities and amenities. The Foundation is also concerned that environmentally sensitive areas within the Kent Narrows be preserved and contributes to the character of this unique Eastern Shore community.
Media Contacts:
Gigi Windley, Executive Director, Kent Narrows Development Foundation
Facebook: Kent Narrows Waterfront
Jay Fleming

Chester, Md.-- (June 24, 2016): Kick off the Holiday Weekend at the Kent Narrow the morning of Friday July 1st!
The public is invited to attend WTTG Fox 5 TV’s live broadcast and enter for a chance to win an all-new 2016 Mazda CX-9 as part of the MAZDA ZipTrip Giveaway.
WTTG Fox 5tv from Washington DC will feature the Kent Narrows and Kent Island area as part of their live Zip Trip broadcast that day.
A series of live remote segments featuring various aspects of the area will be incorporated into their morning news broadcast from 7am to 11am.
The main staging area is on Kent Narrows Waterfront between the Bridges Restaurant and the Jetty at Wells Cove Public Landing. The public is welcomed attend the live broadcast. Local restaurants, attractions, businesses and public service agencies will be featured during the broadcast. Dunkin Donuts will be offering free iced coffee and doughnuts.
Paul McGonagle, VP News
Gigi Windley
Executive Director of Kent Narrow Development Foundation
Queen Anne’s County Tourism Manager